

Join 6.5K midlife, people-centered leaders who want to feel happy at work, and beat stress, anxiety, burnout and overwhelm. Written by therapist and career coach Jess Sweet, Granted delivers weekly career insights, therapy tools, and mindset hacks to help at the intersection of workplace and wellness.

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The "reasonable person" standard

You've heard it before. . . Anxiety is a normal response, and we need it to live, otherwise we'd be walking into traffic and touching hot stoves. But when you have anxiety about work, it might be hard to tell if it's a normal response or if your anxiety is on overdrive. After all, neither one feels good, and while we don't force ourselves to walk into traffic every day, we do force ourselves to go to work. So it makes sense that feeling bad would be present in either situation ("normal" or...

I talk to people all the time who are unhappy in their jobs. Maybe you're unhappy too. That unhappiness is like an anchor, weighing you down and preventing you from moving forward. 😔 You don't have the energy to look for a new role. 😔 You can't muster the willpower to do things differently at work. 😔 You just do your job, head down, and try not to make any waves. Inevitably though, waves happen. And you're feeling pushed and pulled by the tide. You think: "When I get a new job, I will be...

Some days, your career can feel like a disaster, like a jar of pasta sauce that's smashed all over aisle one. Shards of glass and red goo splattered over well-worn linoleum. How did your career slip out of your fingers? Maybe at one point you had a firm grip on things, but now it's clear that's not the case, and you've got the mess to prove it. Here are some of the career messes I've seen: A promising career that's grinding to a halt after years of no promotion. An imminent layoff, combined...

You are awesome at something . . . but whatever that something is, you might have a hard time talking about it. You might have an even harder time using it to your advantage. "After all," you think, "I want to help people." Of course you do. But I've seen it many times: people with fantastic talents and empathetic hearts hesitate to put themselves out there. You might fear you're bragging. You might believe that you're not so great. You might not want to step on other people's toes. But...

Can I tell you something? Being a great leader requires, among other things, being open to feedback. But getting – and hearing – feedback can be difficult. Yet, you still need it to get ahead in your career. Otherwise, how are you going to know what you need to work on? How do you get feedback if you're a leader? None of your reports wants to appear to be a suck-up by providing you with glowing feedback, and even more than that, no one wants to be the one to give negative feedback. So how do...

How to NOT get your emails deleted. If you're in the U.S., I hope you had a lovely long weekend. This week, I'm bringing you a reader question, plus some interesting stories from around the web. I hope you enjoy it. If you have any recommendations, insights or feedback for me about Granted, just hit reply! Jess Q + A Here's a question I got on LinkedIn recently. It was prefaced by some backstory, but you'll get the gist. This is a great example of how confusing job search can be. The thing...

Are you overwhelmed at work? Overwhelm is as terrifying as it sounds. No one wants to think of being out of control, with stress taking over your capacity to deal with it. But that's exactly what happens when stress gets to be too much - you shut down, you lash out, or you exhibit other behavior you otherwise wouldn't. In the Gallup State of the Workforce 2023 report, 44% of people worldwide said they experience a lot of stress. That number was 52% in the U.S. It's a big problem. How you...

Hi Reader. Today is the official start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and that means a few things, even if you don't get the summer off like you did when you were a kid. It means (hopefully) some time off. Take some time to enjoy yourself. Did you know that nearly46% of American workers aren't taking all of their allotted paid time off, and almost half of those don't take that time because they are worried about falling behind at work? If this is a problem for you, we might need to...

The new newsletter brand is here! The Wishingwell Coaching newsletter is now Granted! You may remember a few weeks back when I asked for input about the newsletter brand. I did get some really great ideas, but ultimately none resonated with me as much as Granted. I hope you'll love it as much as I do! Note: Please make sure that Granted doesn't end up in your spam folder. To keep getting the same great content, please move it to primary! 😘 Coaching Corner Should you stay or should you go?...

Ready to build your legacy? Start with an Executive MBA from Georgetown. Georgetown’s Executive MBA delivers the skills, confidence, and knowledge needed to create meaningful change as a principled global business leader. You’ll participate in a real-world consulting project abroad, connect with our worldwide alumni network, and benefit from one-on-one career coaching. Explore the Program May is Mental Health Awareness Month Did you know that May is mental health awareness month? It's...